
A household name in Bristol, Max Kelan has navigated the industrial underbelly of his hometown for a hot minute. Performing as part of the theatrical, rhythmic noise act Bad Tracking, the occult driven Salac and running and being a resident DJ of the longstanding club event Slack Alice.

Kelan’s debut solo outing on the Bristol Normcore imprint, Downtown is seven tales of sleazy noir, vice and earthly transgression - along the way taking a verbal match to the flag, spitting venom at vampiric landlords and erupting into lewd, schoolyard chants. His riotous live shows are loud, raw, heated, unhinged and often end in total chaos.

Kelan's second outing is a 5 track EP entitled The Strip out now on Dead Channel Records. He also has a Downtown Remix album due this summer and his second LP for Bristol Normcore is already in the works.

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