
Cruelle is a new project from Camille Brêteau which combines music, performance and pole dance. Based in Paris, Cruelle is a writer and composer who takes inspirations from Industrial Music and 80's French Realist pop songs.

Her music is sad, dramatic and soaked in irony but still maintains cinematic power.Her debut release ‘‘J’ai remplacé l’amour par l’argent’ is a cathartic concentration of emotions - capturing a moment in time and overcoming it to form a new raison d’être.   

Over six tracks, she channels hostile love songs coupled with an industrial soundtrack to a turbulent decoupling… insubordinate aversions backed by gargoyles’ choirs drenched in delicate, metallic ether. The rage is radiant, the sadness is scandalous.  

Brêteau’s performances are ethereal, trance inducing, highly emotional and at times brutally intense.

“By far and away the best new artist I've encountered in 2023 thus far” Luke Turner - The Quietus 

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